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reNgine 2.0 introduces a powerful addition that enables you to efficiently organize your web application reconnaissance efforts. With this feature, you can create distinct project spaces, each tailored to a specific purpose, such as personal bug bounty hunting, client engagements, or any other specialized recon task.

Each projects will have separate dashboard, separate targets and all the scan results will be separated from each projects, while scan engines and configuration will be shared across all the projects.

It's like having multiple instances of reNgine running. No scan data will be shared across projects.

What is shared across projects?

  • Scan Engines
  • Tools and configurations
  • Interesting Keywords
  • Wordlist

What is not shared across projects?

  • Targets
  • Any scan related data such as Subdomains, Endpoints, Vulnerabilities etc
  • Dashboard and Insights

Adding Projects

You will be prompted with an onboarding page once reNgine is installed.

Atleast one project is required to run reNgine. Later, if you wish to add new projects, you can click on 'Create New Project' from top menu

Switching Between the Projects

If there are multiple projects and you wish to switch between them, lick on Projects menu, and click on the project name. You will be welcomed with the project's separate dashboard.