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Backup reNgine

Backup/Dump database

sudo docker exec -t rengine_db_1 pg_dumpall -c -U {DB_USER} > rengine_dump_.sql

You will be prompted for a database password. This is not your reNgine login password. Please consider checking your .env file.

Backup data volumes [Optional]

Keep a copy of the following data volumes; - rengine_scan_results/ : To keep screenshots - rengine_gf_patterns/ : To keep custom gf patterns - rengine_nuclei_templates/ : To keep custom nuclei templates - rengine_tool_config/ : To keep tools config - rengine_wordlist/ : To keep custom wordlists

Restore reNgine

After installation of reNgine, run the following commands;

sudo docker stop rengine_web_1
sudo docker exec -i rengine_db_1 psql -U {DB_USER} postgres -c "DROP DATABASE rengine;"
sudo docker exec -i rengine_db_1 psql -U {DB_USER} postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE rengine;"
cat {/path/to/rengine_dump_.sql} | sudo docker exec -i rengine_db_1 psql -U {DB_USER} -d rengine

  • Replace the data volumes, if available.
  • Finally, run the following commands from inside the reNgine directory;
sudo make build && make up
sudo make up

Contributed by : nerrorsec

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